February 3, 2010

i guess i can make it work.

I have a confession to make...

I look at amazing blogs like style rookie or fashion toast and I see people who have real fashion sense, individuality, and style, and who aren't afraid to show that. And I think, "gee, this looks pretty cool, i like to be fashionable too." Well, I've sort of slapped myself in the face and realized that I can write about fashion all I want and read zillions of Vogues, but what I actually wear in real life won't show style unless I really try. My outfits need to not be so lame. -.-

So I'm already in the process of gradually switching my wardrobe over from worthless to workable- I sent my 11 year old friend in Maine a HUGE box of all the hand-me-down Abercrombie shirts and A.E. polos she'll need for life, plus enough of my random hoodies, sweats, and flannel  pajama pants to last her til marriage, and she called me and said she was soo happy to have more clothes. Trust me, the girl does not consider clothes shopping a priority (crazy, I know), so she meant what she said...I'm proud of myself! I basically detoxified my closet AND helped her out! Plus, next year when it's time to clean, she'll get some more style-worthy stuff from the new me.

I have decided, though, that until the entire closet is better off, I have to resort to occasionally wearing one of my old, plain knits. It will be acceptable to do so if (and only IF) I do something to the outfit to spice it up. Possible options include: headbands, fats, belts, necklaces, etc. I will make it through this, without looking like the rest of my friends (I swear, it's as if the school put out an Uggs-skinny jeans-graphictees dress code rule).

Then all the other days I can have fun wearing my good stuff. :) Like this Tory Burch babydoll top I just got. I love it, and the smock-thing on it means I don't even need to wear a neckace or anything!
Any other ideas on ways to spice up my old clothes? I'd love it if you commented :)


  1. Wow, you made a LOT of progress! Ok, this might sound weird to you, but go to a thrift store. You can find the cutest vintage and barely worn shoes, clothes and accessories! It is so fun, just try it.:)


  2. I believe you should change something drastically. start over, and do something new. Wheter that be cutting your hair short or buying yourself something you normally wouldnt buy.

    Good Luck,

