June 3, 2010


School caught up with me. Soccer caught up with me. Things got busy. If you've been wondering where in the world I was, me too. Soccer is over now, school has three weeks left, and I'm back!

Not blogging in over 2 months has left me with kind of a jumbled mass of different inspirations and ideas, so this post and the next two might seem a little sporadic. Never fear though, people, because sporadic and spontaneous is good in my book!

Up first: sparkles!

On my trip to New York over spring break (yeah, it's been that long) I saw this dazzling Valentino bag while drooling over the windows of Madison Avenue. I'm pretty sure that if anyone within 500 feet of me had this on, I woud be able to see it. Besides being beautiful, I guess you can kind of get away with some craziness if you're carrying a Valentino. I mean, definition of statement.

Last night at the Taylor Swift concert I went to, she showed her own wacky side with probably the coolest wardrobe ever. She even mentioned onstage that she loves sparkly dresses.

Awesome, right?
I think sparkles are really forward and cool for a special event or as an accessory, but what do you think about wearing them during the day? Comment!