October 18, 2009

outfits of shame...

When I had the idea to create a blog, I must admit I really considered basing it solely around people in my school whose outfits are just....well...you know, shameful to someone who values fahion highly. But then I thought, if the blog ever hopes to get enough traffic, I might have to ask my friends to read it, and that would start a major problem in my school (remember that Disney movie, Read it and Weep, where the school found out she was writing about them and they all decided to hate her?) Yeah, that doesn't sound so good.

Nevertheless, I really do find it interesting to post about outfits of glory and outfits of the opposite. Although I wish I could always have my camera glued to me and be able to discreetly shoot anyone I see, I don't. So I will resort to the wonderful polyvore.com to show you what I have seen.

Here we go: outfit of glory, seen while ice skating last night, which my friends looked at like, "What the heck?" but I liked.

She had on the cutest geometric tights with a long-ish zebra frock and a purple cardigan over top, with a little pink beret. It made me feel like we should have been skating somewhere in Paris.


  1. ha my friends do that too, they're like "mardi your so retro." and i'll be wearing something that i thought was modern and edgy. pah, they know nothing!!
    thanks for your comment :) like your outfit

    addicted to humiliation.

  2. omg I absolutly love ur blog and that outfit so reminds me of paris as well!

  3. oh and i just got your coment about adding your blog to my blog role and yes!!...but can you add mine on yours as well

    btw i only started my blog 4 days ago as well and im hoping to become a designer after i finish highschool and then go to fashion school......If i send you some pics of my designs do you think you could tell me what you think!!

    my email addy is kirajane96@hotmail.com!

  4. That outfit actually isn't too bad. I lvoe the tights and cardigan, but I can't picture the zebra print with it...

  5. I say, whatever you wear--if it makes you feel confident and fabulous, who cares what others think?

    And of course you can add my blog to your blogroll! Looking forward to more posts!

