October 16, 2009

it makes a difference when you aren't [fashion] cultured.

At school yesterday, a classmate looked at a wikipedia page about some old French writer whose named happened to be Louis. He then turned to me and said, "Isn't there some fashion guy named that??" I bit back the "Duhhh" kinda retort I was about to lay on him, and only nodded. To my amazement, he continued, saying, "I think it's like Loius Vuitton or something, but is it pronounced like Vuh-ton or like Baton?"
"Vuitton." I then turn around and slowly shake my head. But I probably should have realized that this guy, like many other people, does not spend his free time scouring fashion blogs, among other things.

On the same day, we had free computer time in biology, of all places, and I was showing a really good friend of mine polyvore.com. She was like, "Oh, this is awesome!!" When we looked at bags, though, she commented, "Wait. I can't tell if they're kidding about these prices."
"Sigh, no they aren't. They really are that much money."
As a fashion newcomer, I was in this exact position about six months ago, where I couldn't have told you how to say Louis Vuitton or had any idea what designer handbags cost. And I've come to realize it really makes a difference. And makes me happy I'm in the know now (but just barely). :]